Sermon Discussion Guide 1-26-25

Sermon Discussion Guide
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit | Part Four | A Special Look: The Gift of Tongues | 1 Corinthians 14

Opening Prayer

Opening Questions:
  • What stood out to you from today's sermon?
  • Have you ever thought about spiritual gifts as a continuation of Jesus' work? How does that change your perspective on their purpose?

1 Corinthians 14:1-19
  • What has your experience been with the gift of tongues? Do you generally have a positive, negative, or indifferent opinion of the gift of tongues? 
  • What do you think Paul means when he contrasts the gift of tongues with prophecy?
  • How does the gift of tongues demonstrate God’s work in building up the church?
  • Why do you think the gift of tongues is sometimes elevated above other gifts (as demonstrated in 1 Corinthians 14)?

The Great Temptations: Spiritualism and Secularism
  • “Spiritualism” is when we chase after spiritual experiences; “secularism” is when we deny the supernatural work of God. How have you seen (or personally experienced) each of these temptations?
  • Both temptations come with many dangers. What are some of the dangers you see in each?
  • Which do you think is a more common temptation for folks in our church: “spiritualism” or “secularism”? Why do you think this is true? 
  • Which is a bigger temptation for you? Why?

Put this Into Practice
  • Based on your answer above to your bigger temptation, what do you think God is trying to say to you?

Closing Prayer