Sermon Discussion Guide 2-9-25

Sermon Discussion Guide
Sending to Christ | Isaiah 53:3-4

Opening Prayer

Opening Questions:
  • What stood out to you from today's sermon?
  • What did you hear or intrigued you about Uganda and the work that is happening there? What would you like to know more about?

Isaiah 53
  • How does the prophet describe the Servant working?
  • How does this text speak to or describe Jesus? 

Read Isaiah 53.3-4
  • Have you felt or known the presence of Jesus carrying your weakness or sorrow? What would it look like for that to happen?
  • Is it possible to know the healing/saving work of Jesus if we don't share with him our weakness and sorrow? Explain.

Put This Into Practice: Recite Together - We Send to Christ

L:  All our problems
P:  We send to the cross of Christ

L:  All our difficulties,
P:  We send to the cross of Christ

L:  All the devil's works,
P:  We send to the cross of Christ

L:  All our hopes,
P:  We set on the risen Christ

How can this liturgy be of service to you as daily help to share with Jesus your weakness and sorrows?

Closing Prayer