Sermon Discussion Guide 2-23-25

Sermon Discussion Guide
Growing Together | PART TWO | 2 Corinthians 9:1-9

Gathering Prayer
Father, by Your Spirit, would you guide us into all truth. Help us to hear and be attentive to Your voice as we work through this study. In the name of Jesus, Your Son, we pray, Amen.

Opening Questions
  • What stood out to you in the sermon? 
  • What insights did you gain? 
  • What questions did it raise?

2 Corinthians 8:1-2, 9:1-7
  • In 2 Corinthians 8:9, Paul connects generosity to the gospel. How does Jesus’ example shape our understanding of giving?
  •  Paul emphasizes that generosity is not about the amount but about the heart (2 Cor 9:7). How does this challenge our usual perspective on giving?
  • Paul reminds the Corinthians to “finish the work” they had started in giving (2 Cor 8:11). What steps can you take to grow in generosity in this season of life?

An Example of Generosity: Mark 12:41-44
  • Why do you think Jesus valued her small offering more than the large amounts given by the wealthy? How does this challenge our view of generosity?
  • The widow gave sacrificially, trusting God for her needs. What fears or obstacles keep us from giving like she did?
  • If Jesus were watching how we give—just as He observed the widow—what do you think He would say about our generosity?

Giving with Joy

  • Generosity is not about giving out of obligation but out of joy. Have you ever experienced joy in giving? What made that experience different?
  • Sometimes, we give “grudgingly” (out of duty, fear, or expectation). What are some barriers in your life that make it hard to give cheerfully?

Growing Together
  •  Our church is in a season of financial commitment for building renovations. How does this passage help shape our attitude toward giving to this project?
  • What is one practical step you can take this week to cultivate a generous heart?

Closing Prayer

  •  Pray for the church as it moves forward with its mission.