Sermon Discussion: 9-22-24

DISCUSSION GUIDE | 1 Peter | Part 2 | A Vision for My Life|
Peter 1:13-21

Gathering Prayer.
Father, by Your Spirit, would you guide us into all truth. Help us to hear and be attentive to Your voice as we work through this study. In the name of Jesus, Your Son, we pray, Amen. 

Opening Questions
  • What stood out to you in the sermon? 
  • What insights did you gain? 
  • What questions did it raise?

Read 1 Peter 1:1-12

Cultural Challenges
  • In the sermon, we discussed how non-religious Americans often view Christian behaviors (like evangelism or tithing) as "extremist." Why do you think normal Christian practices are seen this way in today's culture?

  • How do you feel the tension between living a faithful Christian life and fitting into the expectations of secular society?

Living Set Apart
  • What does the word ‘holiness’ mean to you?
  • To be ‘holy’ literally means to be ‘set apart.’ How does this definition change your understanding of what it means to be holy?

The Sacred/Secular Divide
  • Reflect on the pervasiveness of the sacred/secular divide. How do you see this divide in your own life? Do you ever feel like certain parts of your life are "spiritual" while others are just “everyday life"?

  • Nancy Pearcey writes, “Most people do not look to spirituality for an explanatory system to answer the cosmic questions of life. Instead, they choose their spirituality based on what meets their emotional needs and helps them cope with personal issues, from losing weight to gaining self-confidence. But, when ‘serious issues are at stake’ like making money or meeting medical needs…then people want solutions based on ‘real knowledge.’ They want to know the tested outcomes of objective science and research.” (from her book, Saving Leonardo: A Call To Resist the Secular Assault on our Minds, our Morals, and our Meaning).

    How does this perspective show up in your own life or the lives of people around you? How can you challenge this mindset with a more integrated view of faith?

  • How can we start to integrate our faith into areas of life that often feel separate from our spiritual life, like work, finances, or relationships?

  • Think of one area of your life that feels more "secular" (work, relationships, finances, etc.). How can you bring a sense of holiness to that area this week? What might it look like to honor God in that part of your life?

Closing Prayer