Sermon Discussion Guide 11-24-24
Sermon Discussion Guide
1 Peter | Part 11 | Leadership and the Way of Jesus | 1 Peter 5
Gathering Prayer
Father, by Your Spirit, would you guide us into all truth. Help us to hear and be attentive to Your voice as we work through this study. In the name of Jesus, Your Son, we pray, Amen.
Gathering Question
What comes to mind when you hear the word "calling"? How has your understanding of "calling" changed over time?
Opening Questions
1 Peter 5:1-4
1 Peter 5:5-7
1 Peter 5:8-11
The Call of the Shepherd
1 Peter | Part 11 | Leadership and the Way of Jesus | 1 Peter 5
Gathering Prayer
Father, by Your Spirit, would you guide us into all truth. Help us to hear and be attentive to Your voice as we work through this study. In the name of Jesus, Your Son, we pray, Amen.
Gathering Question
What comes to mind when you hear the word "calling"? How has your understanding of "calling" changed over time?
Opening Questions
- What stood out to you in the sermon?
- What insights did you gain?
- What questions did it raise?
1 Peter 5:1-4
- Think about some of the best leaders in your life. What made them such great leaders? Think about some of the worst leaders in your life. What made them such poor leaders?
- Consider Peter’s instructions for the elders: lead with willingness, don’t pursue dishonest gain, don’t lord power. How do these instructions contrast with modern ideas of leadership?
1 Peter 5:5-7
- What is the connection between humility and leadership? Why is humility countercultural, both in Peter's time and now?
- How does casting our anxieties on God free us to lead well?
1 Peter 5:8-11
- Peter warns that the devil is like a roaring lion. How might spiritual attacks manifest in leadership roles?
- In your own context, what does it look like to “stand firm in the faith” as a leader?
The Call of the Shepherd
- Consider leaders in the Bible: Joseph, Moses, David, Jesus. Why do you think the Bible makes such a strong connection between leadership and shepherding?
- Who has been a shepherd in your life, someone who guided and encouraged you spiritually?
- Think about the roles in your life where you have influence (e.g., family, work, church, friendships). How are you "shepherding" those entrusted to your care?
- Consider the emphasis on humility in 1 Peter 5. Why is pride such a dangerous thing for leaders? What are some practical ways we can fight against the temptation of pride, especially in our leadership roles?
Posted in Sermon Discussion Guide