Schweitzer Kids Ministry strives to provide a safe and stimulating community where children and their families flourish in their faith and relationship with Christ.
Each Sunday morning, we offer a Kids Worship experience for kids in Kindergarten through 4th grade, plus classes for toddlers and a nursery. A 5th & 6th grade worship experience is in the works, but at this time, they are welcome to join in on the Kids Worship experience, but are encouraged to worship with their parents/guardians on Sunday morning.
On Wednesday Nights, we offer programs for all ages (babies through 6th grade) learn more below.
On Wednesday Nights, we offer programs for all ages (babies through 6th grade) learn more below.

Sunday Mornings
We ask that all families and kids check-in in our Kids Area located in the middle of Building A. Schweitzer Kid's Team volunteers can help with the process when you enter. Use the Church Center App to register your family and get a QR code to easily scan and print name tags at our "touchless" kiosks. We also have a family room in the back of the Sanctuary if your child gets fussy and needs a quiet space.
Kids classes are separated into these age groups:
Nursery: Infants
Younger Twos: 2s & 3s
Pre-K: 4s & 5s
Older Kids: Kindergarten through 4th
Note: If your kids or family members have been sick, we request that you do not attend classes.
Nursery: Infants
Younger Twos: 2s & 3s
Pre-K: 4s & 5s
Older Kids: Kindergarten through 4th
Note: If your kids or family members have been sick, we request that you do not attend classes.
skip the line
Check your family in ahead of time by using the Church Center App! The app will bring up a QR Code that you can scan for a name and security tags for you and your family.
Wednesday nights
6:30 - 8:00 pM
Each Wednesday night, we offer Wednesday Night Kids! This is a fun, engaging way for kids to learn about Jesus and be in community with each other. It’s open to ages two through 4th grade, with childcare available for kids ages 2 and younger.
Kids will learn about the Bible and serving others through lesson time, crafts, games, and collaboration with other Schweitzer outreach ministries. Snacks are provided, but dinner is not served.
Kids will learn about the Bible and serving others through lesson time, crafts, games, and collaboration with other Schweitzer outreach ministries. Snacks are provided, but dinner is not served.

Each Wednesday Night, from 6:30 to 8 p.m., we have Route 56, our preteen ministry for 5th and 6th grade students. Kids meet at the Kids Check-In area and then move to their own area on the second floor of building A (GYM/Sanctuary - Room 213).
What is Route 56?
This is an engaging night of games, activities, worship and Biblical learning specifically designed for this age group. The kids and leaders both love it!
What is Route 56?
This is an engaging night of games, activities, worship and Biblical learning specifically designed for this age group. The kids and leaders both love it!


We have a new ministry called Grandparents Planting Seeds that offers a Parents Night Out the second Thursday of every month. The outreach is specifically designed to serve and support parents/guardians with kids attending Pittman Elementary School. If you would like to volunteer as part of this ministry, reach out to Lana Cutbirth by email.

The Schweitzer Church campus is also home to the Grow to Know Preschool. GTK is a Christian-based preschool where kids learn lessons from God’s Word as they also develop in to kind and caring individuals. The preschool's main focus is helping the next generation experience the joy of learning & living a Christ-filled life.