Capital campaign



God has been moving in Schweitzer Church! We are moving into our future with a renewed vision centered on reaching our community and transforming lives by making disciples of Jesus Christ. Every week, we witness the growth of our church and meet new people who are making Schweitzer their church home. We rejoice in the growth and vitality of Schweitzer Church.

As God has led more and more people to call Schweitzer Church home we are looking to respond in faithfulness to this move of the Holy Spirit. We have spent the last year prayerfully and thoughtfully assessing the current and future needs of our church.

We hear God leading us to take steps to improve our church facilities to meet our ministry needs. We have identified the following projects as ways we can grow and support the mission and ministry of Schweitzer Church.

- Sanctuary Expansion
 - New Main Entrance and Expanded Fellowship Center
- New Connection 
with Hallways B and C
-  Memorial Hall Updates

View the church wide meeting here

Recorded september 8, 2024


How were the various projects we are trying to fund decided?
All of the proposed projects came from the lay-leadership of our church, starting with the Strategic Plan. Along the way, we have hosted multiple focus groups and surveys to engage in listening to the congregation.
What is the cost of doing nothing?
If we choose to do nothing, our church will stagnate. We have reached a critical time in our life together. Our traditional worship service and our parking lot are both operating over the well-established peak capacity for churches of 80%. We will simply run out of room for people if we choose to do nothing.
How will the priority of the projects be determined?
The priorities of these projects will be determined in a couple of ways. First, we look to determine the projects that are “mission-critical” to the near future of our church. Currently, we see the size of the Sanctuary as mission-critical. If we do not add more seats to our Sanctuary, our worship services will stagnate in growth. 

Second, we will look at projects that will be required to complete because we did another project. For instance, if we expand the Sanctuary, we will likely have to address the stairwell entrance into Memorial Hall.
What will the timing of the various projects be?
The first project will be the New Main Entrance and the new internal connections. While this project is being done, we will continue to use the Sanctuary by using Entrance A and B. Once we have an enlarged Fellowship Center we will be able to expand the Sanctuary while still using it on a weekly basis. Memorial Hall will be the final project in this renovation. 
Will we wait until all money is raised before projects are started?
We will take a construction loan to begin construction as soon as possible. 
How will a capital campaign impact giving to the budget?
A capital campaign is giving above and beyond our tithes to the operating budget. In the short term, our operating budget will not be negatively affected by a capital campaign. In the long run, our operating budget will see increases as people experience the blessing of increased generosity. 
What if we don’t raise enough money? Will we take on any debt?
Schweitzer Church currently does not have any debt. We desire to work within the constraints of what we can raise in a 3-year capital campaign. We will consider debt when we know our financial capacity.
In what ways will we be making our building more accessible for handicap and senior adults?
All of the projects will increase our accessibility for handicap and senior adults. 
  • A new main entrance will be closer to the parking lot without the need of a ramp steep ramp to enter the building.
  • We will add a drop-off lane close to our new main entrance. This drop-off will help alleviate some of the traffic congestion we currently experience.
  • The main entrance and expanded Fellowship Center will have restrooms near the Sanctuary, including family restrooms.
  • We will have increased wheelchair seating in the Sanctuary.
  • The ramp grade between the Fellowship Center and Hallway B will be reduced to meet ADA standards.
  • An elevator and a new staircase will be added to access the upstairs from Hallway B. There will no longer be a need to go outside the building to access the elevator.
  • An elevator will be added to access Memorial Hall from the Fellowship Center. 
What are we doing to meet the needs of the next generation in kids and student ministry?
Our most recent facility projects have been done to meet the needs of our next generation. We have recently expanded our children’s ministry area and repurposed our former Outreach Center into our current Student Center. We do not have identified needs at this time to improve our facility in these two critical ministry areas. 
Will we keep a kitchen in Memorial Hall?
Currently we are planning to repurpose our full industrial kitchen in Memorial Hall to a catering kitchen. We still have a full industrial kitchen next to our gym. 
When are we expected to make a pledge? When will we be expected to start giving?
We will begin receiving pledges in the early winter of 2025. These pledges will cover a three-year commitment. Some may choose to give immediately, others may choose to  space their giving out over three years. 
How will all of these projects impact/disrupt current ministries?
Because we can do these projects in stages we see minimal disruptions to our current ministries. 
Are we considering purchasing additional properties and/or land to accommodate future growth?
Schweitzer has a long and continued interest in purchasing additional properties that are adjacent to our church campus. 

Architectual Plans

These are some initial renderings of our building plans provided by Architect Chris Ball. These are drafts and not final plans.

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Christ Centered • Community Focused